
Posts Tagged ‘the list’

Crossin’ another one off the good ole list.  #55, went to my first tigers game!  It was just as fun (and expensive) as I imagined it’d be.  Our seats were pretty far up, but every seat at comerica park is a good seat.   I love that stadium, it has such an awesome view of Detroit.  It was the perfect day for a baseball game too, sunny and 80 degrees all day, and it stayed warm all night!  I’m not the biggest baseball fan, but apparently it was a really good game.  There was a grand slam (that’s 3 home runs in a row…right?), and they won. yeeeehaw!  I spent a lot of money there…but I expected to so it’s all good.  I got myself a 10 dollar ‘daquri’ that tasted like a slurpee in a souvenier cup.  I’m gonna use it as a change jar.  and then I got a $8.50 cheeseburger and a $4 soft pretzel and a $8 beer.  All in all it was a good experience, and I hope to go to at LEAST a few more games this summer!

me and melissa in front of the tiger.

great view of detroit….love all the old buildings.

us 🙂

in other (sad) news, my fish have a disease or something, they are dropping dead like flies!  I’ve netted out 8 fish corpses today….and the few i have left look like they probably wont make it through the night.  poor fishies 😦

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On Saturday night, my overly intoxicated self irresponsibly lost my camera. I’m pretty sure it was left on the table at the last bar we were at. Nobody turned it in, assholes. I feel LOST without my camera. There goes my flick-a-days and my weekly photo updates (I kinda got one week in…) Also, this was going to be the week that I took a picture of everything I ate all week. (number 15 on the list.) I guess I’ll probably have to buy a new one. I’m REALLY trying to save money but I feel like a camera is a necessity.

So, anyway. Number 44 on my list is to take a picture every day, and post the pictures weekly. Here are last weeks pictures (with the exception of Sunday because I had no camera 😦 )

April 18 –  I drew this in my sketchbook.

April 19 — I drew another picture in my sketchbook.

April 20 –This is where I take Tasha for her walks.

April 21– I spent hours perfecting the ‘marble’ technique on my nails.

April 22 – my fishy face flick-a-day

April 23 – Friday night drinks on my couch with my friend Melissa.

April 24 – Saturday night at the bar. This is where I lost my camera. (this was taken with my phone)

One more thing.  I’m starting # 9 on the list.  (complete the 200 sit up challenge) I just did my ‘initial sit-up test’ and managed to squeeze out 50 consecutive sit ups.  I guess that’s good because it told me to skip to week 3!  I’m going to be such a badass if i can do 200 consecutive sit ups.  I hope I can do it!

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